Road Safety

A petition entitled Cardrona safety pathfinder – 20mph – has been submitted to the Petitions Committee of SBC for consideration on 22nd August 2013.  We’ll provide an update once a decision is made.

We have had ongoing issues with people driving fast through the village i.e. residents, tradesmen, taxis and delivery vehicles.  We may have to consider additional traffic calming measures to bring the speeds down to 20mph.


  • You are more likely to kill a pedestrian driving at 40mph than 30mph.
  • Specifically, if you hit a pedestrian while driving at 20 mph, the pedestrian has a 95% chance of survival.
  • If you hit an adult pedestrian while driving at 30mph, the survival chance is 80%. But if you hit a pedestrian while driving at 40mph, the pedestrian’s chances of dying rises to 90%. (this lowers to 80% for a child).
  • 68% of crashes where people are killed or injured happen on roads where the speed limit is 40mph or less.

Remember as you drive in/out of the Village along Cardrona Way, there are many children, who are walking and cycling towards the Village Shop and/or bus stop.  They are at risk by speeding drivers.


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