Cubs, Rainbows & Beavers

Cardrona Guide Group

Main Group Contact: Cheryl Turpie


Web sites:


Meet at the Cardrona Village Hall, Tuesdays, 6pm to 7pm

Rainbows are the youngest section of Girlguiding UK and is open to girls aged between 5 years and 7 years old.


Meet at the Cardrona Village Hall, Tuesdays, 7pm till 8.15pm

Brownies are the second section in The Girlguiding Family and is open to girls aged between 7 years and 10 years.

Guides – planning to start soon- all we need are the leaders. Please contact Cheryl if this is something that you might be interested in.

Cardrona Scout Group

Main Group Contact: Cheryl Turpie




Meet at the Cardrona Village Hall, Wednesdays, 6pm till 7pm

Beaver Scouts are usually aged between six and eight years old. They belong to the first and youngest section in the Scouting
family. Open to both boys and girls.


Wednesdays, 7pm till 8.15pm

Cub Scouts are the second section in the Scout family. Boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 years old can join the Cubs.


Wednesdays 8pm till 9.30pm

Scouts are the 3rd section in the Scout Family. Open to boys and girls aged 10-14 years.

10 responses to “Cubs, Rainbows & Beavers

  1. Hi cheryl
    My 6 year old daughter would love to join rainbows, I have sent you an email,
    Hope to hear from you soon

    kind regards


  2. Cathy Learmonth

    Hi I was wondering if my son could join the Beavers. Could someone let me know if there is a space for him please?

    • Hi Cathy, can you email direct to the email address below with the following details, Name, age, contact phone number of your son and I’ll be able to get back to you about Beavers. Thanks Cheryl Turpie

    • HI if you email with name, date of birth and contact phone number I can add directly onto the waiting list. However, I cannot guarantee a place as we have a shortage of leaders in all 3 sections and until we have more adults working in the sections on a regular basis I cannot take in any more members.
      Cheryl Turpie
      Cardrona Group Scout Leader.

  3. Hello Cheryl
    My daughter is keen to start rainbows, she will be 5 in november and starts school a kingsland after the summer holidays. I wondered when she would be able to start and/or if there is space at the group.

  4. HI if you email with name, date of birth and contact phone number I can add directly onto the waiting list. However, I cannot guarantee a place as we have a shortage of leaders in all 3 sections and until we have more adults working in the sections on a regular basis I cannot take in any more members.
    Cheryl Turpie
    Cardrona Group Scout Leader.

  5. Hi Ruth – and Dom – if you email to with name, date of birth, and a contact phone number I can add them straight onto the waiting list. I will then email you with further details. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer spaces at the right age as we have a shortage of LEaders in all 3 sections at the moment and until I have more adults as leaders or sectional assistants on a regular basis I cannot take in more kids.

    Cheryl Turpie
    Group Scout Leader.

  6. Hello my son Charlie is interested in joining the Beavers. How do I go about this? I look forward to your reply. Thank you Ruth Russell

    • Hi Ruth. I’ll pass your enquiry onto the troop – I need to get my son on the list too I think – Sure they’ll be back in touch with you shortly. Drop me a line if you don’t hear anything. Thanks, Dom

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